Commercial Testimonials
Martha's Vineyard Roofer
Hear what our commercial Vineyard roofing clients have to say about our work…
"Mike and his team installed the materials expertly, even repairing ridgelines and other intricate features. He had the
knowledge and experience to accurately repair the roof and install the tiles, so they reflected the historic character
of the building."
Martha's Vineyard CommissionAdam Turner Executive Director
“Many of the Martha’s Vineyard Preservation Trust’s historic buildings are well protected today because of Associate Roofing; the Old Whaling Church, Alley’s General Store, the Old Sculpin Gallery, the Grange Hall, the Old West Tisbury Library and the Dr. Daniel Fisher House, to name a few."
Martha's Vineyard Preservation TrustChristopher Scott, President
“Our Market Corp after considering other roofing companies contracted Associate Roofing to re-roof our store and warehouse.“
Our MarketOak Bluffs
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